Factoring in Human Error in Your Business Continuity Planning
Good business continuity training helps managers and enterprises prepare business continuity plans. However, they’ll also need to deal with a further factor – human error. This element is a cause of anything from small business failure to nuclear power plant meltdowns. A little information on the subject can help make business continuity that much more […]
How Well Does Your Company Password Policy Perform?
If you haven’t seen it, you’ve probably heard about it: the sticky note on the computer screen with the account login and password for all to see. While this archetypally bad behaviour has security officers recoiling in horror, there are also other less obvious forms of password vulnerability that affect many organisations. Fundamental problems that […]
Canberra Business Continuity Certification – Bringing Public and Private Sectors Together
Attaining the prestige of business continuity certification in Australia is one good reason for attending a course. For many professionals, there’s also another one – mixing with BCP peers and exchanging points of view. The give and take between private and public sectors is a good example. Private industry and service sectors often take their […]
Upcoming DRII Business Continuity Planning Courses
We are pleased to announce dates for two upcoming DRII courses which OpsCentre is delivering as the Australian affiliate of DRI International. BCLE-2000 Business Continuity Planning This 4.5 day course covers the 10 professional practices for Business Continuity Planning professionals and also the qualifying exam for the CBCP Certified Business Continuity Professional qualification. SYDNEY Monday […]