Risk, Business Continuity and IT DR – the Year of 2013 in Review
Risk certainly marked the year of 2013, with knock-on effects on business continuity thinking. However, in a year picking up the pieces after different disasters, the real message was a reminder that while we collectively now know a great deal about risk, we don’t always prepare or take action appropriately. The devastation caused by rainfall […]
IT Security for Small Businesses – Are You Listening?
Hacking of the IT resources of small and medium businesses is on the increase. The age-old excuse of ‘We have nothing worth hacking’ is no longer valid, although this doesn’t always register with SMBs. Hackers see small businesses as targets of interest for several reasons. Firstly, SMBs are vulnerable. Their security is weak, because of […]
Small business crisis plans few and far between
New Zealand small and medium-sized firms are highly unprepared for a future crisis similar to the Christchurch earthquakes, a study has found. Massey University’s annual BusinesSMEasure canvassed 1000 companies across the country. It found only a small proportion of the firms surveyed had a formal continuity plan in place and fewer than 10 per cent […]
Would Business Continuity Awareness Week Benefit from Remarketing?
So Business Continuity Awareness Week 2012 came and went (in March, in fact). Sponsored by the BCI (Business Continuity Institute), this annual event brings together BC professionals and other interested parties for a week of events and presentations. However, the risk of emphasising a special week once a year is that people then think the […]
Canberra Business Continuity Certification – Bringing Public and Private Sectors Together
Attaining the prestige of business continuity certification in Australia is one good reason for attending a course. For many professionals, there’s also another one – mixing with BCP peers and exchanging points of view. The give and take between private and public sectors is a good example. Private industry and service sectors often take their […]
Sydney Round Table Event – Testing Business Continuity Plans
OpsCentre’s Managing Director, Rod Crowder, will be facilitating a round table event on behalf of Continuity Forum, to be held 29th Jun 2011. The topic is Business Continuity Testing/Exercising. For more information and registration details please go to the Continuity Forum website here. We hope to see you there.