Just Delete It – Destruction as an IT Security Strategy
If confidential information didn’t exist, you wouldn’t have to worry about data breaches.
Why IT Strategy Fails and What to Do About It
IT strategy – hmm, that sounds good! It suggests you know what you’re doing, and that those invoices from your IT suppliers correspond to something of value to the business.
Ethics and Your IT Sourcing Strategy
IT servers, enterprise applications, data centres and cloud services might seem world away from other sectors traditionally attracting attention in terms of a ethical sourcing strategy.
IT Service Management as a Business Partner
Now and again, we hear rumblings about IT governance and how synergy must be developed between IT and the rest of the organisation to work in harmony as a “business partner”. The principles are praiseworthy.
Seven Mistakes to Avoid in Planning Your IT Strategy
According to some sources, only 10% of any business strategy plans are ever effectively implemented.
IT Strategy – More than Just a Simple Matter of Business Alignment
On the face of it, it sounds simple. IT strategy should be driven by business requirements.