IoT Device Security Doomsday on the Horizon?
Does it sound strange that many organisations believe they are exposed to major problems with Internet of Things device security, yet few of them have taken any measures to resolve those problems?
Better Business Continuity with Analytics Chatbots
In this age of big data, business analytics are likely to form an increasingly large part of business continuity planning and management.
Business Continuity and Machine Learning – Is It Time?
Machine learning, if you have not already met it, is the capability of a machine (a software application) to modify its rules and algorithms according to new data.
Putting the Cloud inside Your Company Firewall
Some enterprises are attracted by the potential advantages of the cloud for disaster recovery and business continuity. However, they fear the possibility of information being spied on, stolen or hacked after it leaves their own physical premises. A little lateral thinking suggests another possible solution. Instead of moving outside a company firewall to use cloud […]