Sydney Round Table Event – Testing Business Continuity Plans

OpsCentre’s Managing Director, Rod Crowder, will be facilitating a round table event on behalf of Continuity Forum, to be held 29th Jun 2011. The topic is Business Continuity Testing/Exercising. For more information and registration details please go to the Continuity Forum website here. We hope to see you there.

Cloud Computing: Risky Business Round Table

OpsCentre will be hosting a Round Table on the 28th of April at the Vibe Hotel in Sydney; to register click here. We will be discussing the risks associated with cloud computing with industry professionals. To get you warmed up for the discussion have a look at this very informative clip posted by Macquarie Telecom discussing Cloud computing […]

OpsCentre Round Table Event – Cloud Computing: Risky Business?

OpsCentre is hosting another Round Table event at the Vibe Hotel in Sydney on 28th April 2011 to discuss Cloud Computing Risks. Details have been updated on OpsCentre’s Events page and there is a link through to more information and registration. OpsCentre Events Page