Outward-Looking Business Continuity


It is easy to indulge in navel-gazing when it comes to business continuity. We examine your business, its components, its requirements, its objectives and the risks that could affect it.

Current Australian Preparedness against Ebola

As efforts to contain and eliminate the current Ebola outbreak in West Africa continue, countries around the world are making preparations to be ready in case the virus arrives. The Australian government is also making plans to deal with such an event. Ebola already exists in Australia – but fortunately (so far) only as the […]

What Constitutes National Resilience?

More news about IT disasters (and disaster recovery) last week, this time concerning a French state financial system. Service was interrupted for four days in a configuration used to pay suppliers, and running SAP software and operated by the national French IT company, Bull. France still has a national computer company, providing mainframes and servers, […]