How Often Should Users Change Their Computer Passwords?
This is a little like asking “how long is a piece of string”, except that in this case the string may already be a lot shorter than you imagined. Passwords are often the bane of the IT helpdesk.
Would You Reveal Your Password for Chocolate? For Even Less?
A survey showed that commuters in London more often than not (more than 70%) would reveal their computer password in exchange for a bar of chocolate.
Diamonds are Forever and So (Unfortunately) Is Biometric Security
They last a lifetime and they never change. Fingerprints, irises and even gaits (as in walking) are immutable, if you discount the use of surgery. That is what makes them such reliable identifiers and the basis of different biometric security systems. From science fiction and spy films, we now have smartphones (iPhones for example) that […]
The Perils of the Password – How to Protect Your Business Continuity
How many passwords do you have? How many can you remember – and what do you do about the others? Business and consumer life is controlled to a significant degree by passwords. It’s a balancing act between making them memorable (for their rightful owners) without opening the door to password abuse or theft. The business […]
Infinitely Versatile? The Bid for QR Codes to Now Become Your Authentication
User IDs and passwords are part of everyday business life and business continuity for many people. You need them to log on to get your email and use other company systems. Often, the easier they are to remember, the easier they are to hack. And cryptic codes often get written down on scraps of paper […]
IT Security for Small Businesses – Are You Listening?
Hacking of the IT resources of small and medium businesses is on the increase. The age-old excuse of ‘We have nothing worth hacking’ is no longer valid, although this doesn’t always register with SMBs. Hackers see small businesses as targets of interest for several reasons. Firstly, SMBs are vulnerable. Their security is weak, because of […]