Why You Can’t Trust Anyone These Days
It’s not paranoia, they really are out to get you. When the very organisations promoting IT security manage to botch it up, it’s difficult to have confidence in anything anymore.
Is It Time to Rename Malware as Sneakyware?
Malware (Sneakyware) is the software that gets into your system and causes havoc, unless you detect it and neutralize first.
IT Security, One Rotten Apple and a Whole Bad Barrel
Barrels of apples can go bad, both literally and figuratively, because of just one rotten apple. The rot spreads from one apple to another until the whole barrel is infected. Not so long ago (in 2014), experts from security company ESET discovered 25,000 servers infected with malware, some of these servers being grouped together in […]
Is It Time to Review Your Malicious Software Reporting Policy?
Be honest – do you currently have a malicious software reporting policy? Just relying on the existence of anti-virus software and firewalls may be too optimistic nowadays. The potential damage to information assets and productivity, let alone identity or bank account theft, suggests that a malware reporting policy should be in place in any organisation. […]