People are Important to Business Continuity Too

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Sounds obvious? When you’re knee deep in metrics, reports, and audits, it’s not always easy to remember that without people doing their jobs, nearly every organisation will rapidly cease to function.

Human Rights and Business Reputations


Sourcing and procurement in business is becoming less and less hands-off. Gone are the days when an enterprise could shut its eyes to labour conditions in a supplier’s company, as long as the products or services arrived on time and at the agreed cost yet behind the scenes what impacts the most is business reputations when the human element becomes non-existent.

BCM Culture – Who is the Most Important Player in Your Organisation?

While the idea that business continuity management needs to become part of corporate culture is gradually gaining ground, the practical aspects of making it happen may be less obvious. You want everybody in your organisation to be BC-aware, because business discontinuity can happen at any time and affect anyone. But how do you communicate that […]