Where Does a Business Continuity Plan Fit with Emergencies, Contingencies and Disasters?
The bigger an organisation gets, the more the plans multiply. There may be plans for dealing with contingencies, crises, disasters, emergencies, pandemics, risks and who knows what else, all in addition to your business continuity plan.
Emergency Management and the Rise of the 5G Networks
5G networks is on the horizon now, destined to increase mobile data transfer speeds and reduce communications latency compared to current 4G.
Outward-Looking Business Continuity
It is easy to indulge in navel-gazing when it comes to business continuity. We examine your business, its components, its requirements, its objectives and the risks that could affect it.
Get Your Own Local Resilience Forum
A Local Resilience Forum? Should you have one? Also referred to for short as an LRF, the idea is to bring together different respondents in a local area in order to guarantee cooperation
Zika and the Multi-Dimensional Development of a Pandemic
The Zika virus is turning out to be a bigger and more unwelcome surprise than expected.
Emergency Management – Getting Ahead of the Social Media Test Curve
Social media is increasingly being looked to as a tool for emergency management. It has a number of attractive characteristics, including cloud-based resiliency and being well-known and understood by a large portion of the public and professionals alike. The problem that many organisations face is in knowing how to prepare their use of social media. […]