Our 2016 Business Continuity Review – From National Resilience to Toasters (and Back)
It’s always an editorial dilemma – Do we start with the event with the biggest business continuity impact? The event that was the most unbelievable? For the 2016 Business Continuity Review, we have some difficult choices, including the massive cyberattack of the toasters, the most powerful man in the world (soon) trying to carve up the Internet, and a smartphone threatening the health of a national economy.
ABS Census Attacked by DDoS
What were Australian’s doing on the evening of the 9th of August, 2016? All jumping on the bandwagon to fill out their Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census details on the Census website.
Business Continuity and Creative Cyber Criminals
While the web has opened wide the doors of opportunity for entrepreneurs around the world, others have shown evidence of creativity as well. Ingenious use of technologies has led to hacktivism, identity theft, distributed denial of service (DDoS) and swatting, to name but a few. Perpetrators use both the latest cyber-techniques and also old-fashioned approaches […]
Cyber Business Continuity Needs Broad and Deep Together
In mid-July 2013, several of New York’s Wall Street firms participated in an exercise to test their resilience in the face of cyber-attacks. The initiative was coordinated by SIFMA, the Securities and Financial Markets Association, and included commercial financial companies, as well as the U.S. Treasury Department. Financial institutions in the US have been subjected […]