How Far Back Do You Go in Your Business Continuity?
It’s a fact of business life that customers, markets, and industry commentators only see your brand, and not the suppliers who provide the materials, components, or products behind it.
BYOD, BYOT, BYOC, All One Facet of a Bigger Challenge
IT has no shortage of four-letter words. It’s not clear what the latest variations on the “BYO” or “bring your own” theme add.
Travelling at the Speed of IT Security
Einstein, move over. There is a new universal constant now, one that governs all IT-driven security activity, which by now is almost everything that goes on in the known world.
Seven Mistakes to Avoid in Planning Your IT Strategy
According to some sources, only 10% of any business strategy plans are ever effectively implemented.
Employees vs. Employees – the Internal Battle for Data Security
As organisations have boldly gone when no enterprise has gone before, meaning out to the far corners of cyberspace, the face of data security has changed significantly.
How much of an Iceberg are Data Security Issues Today?
The bulk of the iceberg is hidden below the waterline where it lurks, ready to sink large entities like the Titanic and corporations. One of the most recent news items about data security ‘icebergs’ involves incorrectly configured web servers located in a number of prominent organisations. The systems at risk were identified by ethical hacking. […]