The Rise of Rule-Based Security in Cloud Computing
Corporate policies on anything from safety to ethical sourcing are all about rules. Do this; don’t do that! Often created from the experience of everything that went wrong in the past, policies can soon turn into large, unwieldy documents. IT security also has its rules, some of them born of common sense, others of past […]
Data Encryption and Reputation Management
What do encryption and reputation have to do with each other? On the face of it, the link seems tenuous. However, if a data breach occurs, encryption could be the difference between intense corporate embarrassment and a corporate reputation that remains untarnished. Of course, we’re talking about than standard encryption of data in transit with […]
Backfiring Data Encryption or Being Hoisted by Your Own Petard
Data encryption should be a good thing for security. When your data is encrypted using today’s encryption standards, other people cannot decode your files or your information. Data at rest encryption (DARE) takes care of the data sitting on hard drives, while data in motion encryption (logically DIME – you read it here first!) ensures […]
Is Seven the Magic Number for IT Security?
The number seven crops up in many contexts: the Seven Wonders of the World, the seven dwarfs, and now the seven levels of cyber security. Let’s start with the different levels of threats posed by hackers. In order of increasing severity, we have: script kiddies (hacking for fun); the hacking group (often the first level […]
Data Snooping and Privacy – Is There a Pilot in the Plane?
The data snooping debate has quietened down a little recently, even if Edward Snowden’s name still crops up here and there. Whether or not the revelations about intelligence activities have changed much in terms of governmental attitude and behaviour remains to be seen. Pressure can still be applied to Internet, cloud and telecommunications service providers […]