One Day You too may have a Disaster Recovery Plan in Your DNA

Yes, you can take that title literally. While the debate goes on about whether a disaster recovery plan should be centred on back-up to hard disk or tape, there’s a new kid on the storage block (or around the corner for the moment) – DNA. In a paper entitled “Next-Generation Digital Information Storage in DNA”, […]

Is Stale Data Hoarding Really Part Of Business Continuity Good Practice Guidelines?

Companies today are often so focused on the secure storage of data that they miss the point about which data is really worth storing. A recent article by a Storage Networking Industry Association member made the point that “stale data backup” afflicts many organisations. It’s a problem that is as much cultural as technological. In […]

Validating your data backup plan

Having a plan for data backup as part of your disaster recovery strategy is the right thing to do, but it’s not the end of the story. Too many organisations have planned their data backups, only to find in situations of emergency that the backups were unavailable or insufficient. The reasons can be varied, but […]