The Vulgarisation of IT System Hacking Could Be Good News

business continuity hacks

Attack sophistication is growing. 20 years ago, social engineering had already made inroads and automated attacks were on the rise, with denial-of-service, browser executable attacks, and techniques for uncovering vulnerabilities in the binary code of applications.

Business Continuity and the Knock-On Blackouts


Power blackouts in business can range from a minor inconvenience to a major threat. Diggers slicing through power cables, extreme weather conditions bringing down power lines, or other local failures can all interrupt the supply of electricity.

Our 2016 Business Continuity Review – From National Resilience to Toasters (and Back)

2016 Business Continuity Review

It’s always an editorial dilemma – Do we start with the event with the biggest business continuity impact? The event that was the most unbelievable? For the 2016 Business Continuity Review, we have some difficult choices, including the massive cyberattack of the toasters, the most powerful man in the world (soon) trying to carve up the Internet, and a smartphone threatening the health of a national economy.

ABS Census Attacked by DDoS

ABSCensus 2

What were Australian’s doing on the evening of the 9th of August, 2016? All jumping on the bandwagon to fill out their Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census details on the Census website.