Putting Numbers on Levels of Importance in Crisis Management

Now that management science has taught us how to quantify so many other things, crisis management is a good candidate for being awarded its own scale of seriousness too. The detail you put into such a scale will depend on how much crises afflict your enterprise. If you are battling a continual stream of problems, […]

The Critical Importance of the Spokesperson in Crisis Management

Try this simple test, made possible thanks to the ubiquity of the smartphone and its on-board camera. First, imagine a crisis that would put your organisation in a difficult posture with the public. A generally applicable example is breach of your confidential business data, including your customer records. Now take your smartphone and record a […]

Crisis Management and the Growing Role of Social Media

Facebook and Twitter are already used to disseminate information about breakdowns and crises. Public service organisations have begun to use them to as part of their PR strategy for good crisis management.  Now there’s a move to use social networks, Twitter in particular, for communication in the opposite direction. In the UK, the London Fire […]