Calculating the Approximate Cost of Downtime

Downtime costs are not something you can calculate exactly. However, along the lines of “what gets measured, gets managed”, it’s useful to have some idea of where you’re headed even if it’s just an approximation. What’s often missing in any formula for this are either one-off charges that you didn’t think of at the time […]

Webinar: Disaster Recovery Planning & Testing – The Real Cost of Downtime

Novell is hosting a complimentary Webinar on the Real Cost of Downtime on January 19, 2011 (or Thu, Jan 20, 2011 6:00 AM – 7:00 AM AEDT if you’re in Australia). The main topics to be covered are: – Traditional disaster recovery challenges, particularly when it comes to testing and recovery planning – Best practices […]

Webinar: Disaster Recovery Planning & Testing – The Real Cost of Downtime

Novell is hosting a complimentary Webinar on the Real Cost of Downtime on January 19, 2011 (or Thu, Jan 20, 2011 6:00 AM – 7:00 AM AEDT if you’re in Australia). The main topics to be covered are: – Traditional disaster recovery challenges, particularly when it comes to testing and recovery planning – Best practices […]

The Business Case for Business Continuity Management

It is commonly the case that Business Continuity is on the agenda due to external regulatory or audit requirements and this provides sufficient impetus for a Business Continuity Implementation. With or without these external pressures, a business case for the cost of implementing and maintaining business continuity will need to be created. Below are some […]