A Startling Idea in Disaster Recovery (and Nothing to do with Technology)
Ask people where the next surprise will be in disaster recovery and they may well point to technology, the weather or legislation. While all of these areas should be taken into consideration, there’s another one that is vital to good DR management. It’s people. Perhaps because it’s so obvious, disaster recovery plans sometimes gloss over […]
Agile Organisations and Business Continuity
‘Agile’ is a common buzzword in organisations today. Intuitively, it fits well with the notion of business continuity – an agile enterprise, able to respond iteratively to whatever today’s business conditions or events throw at it. The old concept of long-term corporate planning is light years behind; many businesses don’t know what will happen in […]
The Army as the Model for Business Communications
One of the biggest factors in helping people to get along and making businesses profitable is communication. Mobile phones in particular have become the symbol of this: depriving somebody of his or her mobile phone is today akin to torture, at work, at home or anywhere else. The trend continues too towards more advanced and […]
The Role of Social Media in a Crisis – BCAW Webinar
During this webinar, you will learn: How Social Media can be used to support CERC (Crisis, Emergency and Risk Communication), Then and Now – Social Media and traditional communications tools, Advantages and Disadvantages of current technologies, Best Practices, What have we learnt?, How to Implementing your solution. http://www.continuity.net.au/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=587