Is IT Getting in the Way of Business Continuity?

IT Strategy 2

In theory, IT should be a boon for business continuity. Speed, reliability, automation, efficiency, productivity, all these things are positive effects available by moving to a digital environment driven by information technology.

Business Continuity and Multipathing


Sometimes, IT can teach business a thing or two. In a recent survey on private cloud computing use, there was a statistic on the use of multipathing.

The Rise of Rule-Based Security in Cloud Computing

Corporate policies on anything from safety to ethical sourcing are all about rules. Do this; don’t do that! Often created from the experience of everything that went wrong in the past, policies can soon turn into large, unwieldy documents. IT security also has its rules, some of them born of common sense, others of past […]

What is Virtual Machine Side Channel Analysis and Why Should You Care?

Here’s the quick version. Hackers operating in the same cloud server hardware as you can steal your encryption keys and run off with your data/bank codes/customers/company (strike out items that do not apply – if any). Yes, behind that mouthful of a title is a scary prospect indeed. Until recently, this kind of cloud-side hacking […]

When a Government Deliberately Stores Data Outside the Country

As cloud computing develops and providers multiply their data centres, physical location of data has become an important issue for many organisations. Their goal has often been to prevent storage of confidential data outside their national boundaries. The risk of a data breach is considered to be too great, especially in the wake of the […]