Don’t Abdicate Your Disaster Recovery Just because your Employees are Doing It

In today’s world of cloud and BYOD (bring your own device) computing, disaster recovery sometimes almost seems to be organising itself. Employees can copy all sorts of data to mobile phones, tablets and personal web storage, including customer lists, proposal templates, financial spread-sheets and more. It would take at least a double disaster – for […]

OpsCentre Round Table Event – Cloud Computing: Risky Business?

OpsCentre is hosting another Round Table event at the Vibe Hotel in Sydney on 28th April 2011 to discuss Cloud Computing Risks. Details have been updated on OpsCentre’s Events page and there is a link through to more information and registration. OpsCentre Events Page

Advice for dealing with risks in public cloud computing

Public cloud computing risks are numerous enough to field a top 10 — or even more. Professional organizations and CIOs are developing threat lists to help them come to grips with the public cloud, an entity that will continue to seep into the enterprise IT environment whether they like it or not. SearchCIO has just […]