National Preparedness Month, World BackUp Day, and Change that Sticks
A while ago, we asked in this blog if World Backup Day was really a good idea. Our logic? If everybody focuses on one day in the year to get their backups right, then spends the other 364 days ignoring the issue, things won’t change for the better.
Business Continuity and Business Transformation
Can these two items coexist? Business continuity is about keeping things going, whereas business transformation is often about breaking things (figuratively, if not literally) to get out of a rut and into a new, more competitive mode of business.
Does a Business Continuity Consultant Interfere?
Interference has negative connotations, and a business continuity consultant should bring something positive, not negative, to an organisation. However, if an organisation is to derive any benefit from the services of a BC consultant, there has to be change at some level. Change has to be driven or at least guided. Change is disruptive by […]