Resilience and TICTF (Too Interconnected to Fail)

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Remember the economic meltdown (almost) of eight years ago? Two buzzwords came to the fore at that time. One was “systemic risk”, the risk that applies to an entire sector or domain; in this case, the global economy.

Get Your Own Local Resilience Forum

Local Resilience Forum

A Local Resilience Forum? Should you have one? Also referred to for short as an LRF, the idea is to bring together different respondents in a local area in order to guarantee cooperation

Human Rights and Business Reputations


Sourcing and procurement in business is becoming less and less hands-off. Gone are the days when an enterprise could shut its eyes to labour conditions in a supplier’s company, as long as the products or services arrived on time and at the agreed cost yet behind the scenes what impacts the most is business reputations when the human element becomes non-existent.

Business Continuity After Customer Collapse

Disaster recovery and business continuity are often thought of in terms of floods, fires, explosions and similar physical events. What may be less obvious to BC planners but just as critical to the survival of an organisation are the non-physical events, such as the loss of a major customer or a major change in a […]

Business Resilience and Agility

We are increasingly hearing about the word resilience. When speaking scientifically it refers the physical property of a material to ‘bounce back’ to its original position after deformation that does not broaden elastic limitations. Irregular change is nothing new to modern enterprises: witness the colossal changes in technology and economies as well as social and […]