Fail Early – a Mantra for Business Continuity Test Scenarios

In what used to be a business climate orientated firmly towards success, the notion of constructive failure has changed attitudes, hopefully opening up new possibilities for progress by liberating organisations from the notion that all failure was bad. There’s a message for business continuity test scenarios as well – it’s the “fail early, fail cheaply” […]

Going Mobile with Business Continuity Test Scenarios

Business continuity doesn’t stop with the production of a shiny, new BC strategy, but has to go further, to include business continuity test scenarios. The big challenge here is to overcome complacency in the organisation. This can happen at the planning stage where an “it’ll be alright on the night” attitude is common. It can […]

Business Continuity Test Scenarios – the Game!

There’s nothing like making something fun to get people involved and interested, and the same applies to business continuity test scenarios. What makes them fun depends. For some, it’s the intellectual challenge of figuring out the right way to test scenarios to cover the right proportion of all the possible outcomes. For others, it’s a […]

Business continuity test scenarios – do you have to “pull the plug”?

Business continuity test scenarios are an integral part of good Business Continuity planning, on two conditions: they test for the right things; and that they are realistic in how they test. It’s important to keep the end goal in mind. A simple definition of business continuity can be helpful here, such as the one from […]

Sydney Round Table Event – Testing Business Continuity Plans

OpsCentre’s Managing Director, Rod Crowder, will be facilitating a round table event on behalf of Continuity Forum, to be held 29th Jun 2011. The topic is Business Continuity Testing/Exercising. For more information and registration details please go to the Continuity Forum website here. We hope to see you there.

Be ready for everything and anything

Being ready for everything and anything is important. One of the problems we consistently come across is businesses facing major delays because they do not have a best practice approach to business continuity management. Increasing, many have poorly devised methodologies, lack value in their data quality management, are unable to meet deadlines and have poorly […]