Factoring in Human Error in Your Business Continuity Planning

Good business continuity training helps managers and enterprises prepare business continuity plans. However, they’ll also need to deal with a further factor – human error. This element is a cause of anything from small business failure to nuclear power plant meltdowns. A little information on the subject can help make business continuity that much more […]

Business Continuity Plans and Clouds with Fewer Silver Linings

Cloud computing, that recent IT evolution, has been hailed as a boon to business continuity plans. Indeed, it has a lot to offer, including IT network redundancy, reduced costs and flexible billing. For these reasons, it immediately scores over traditional hot or cold mirrored data centres with more substantial initial and ongoing costs. Naturally, adequate […]

Pandemics and Business Continuity Plans

Pandemics are good material for Hollywood disaster films. They also feature in various disaster recovery planning documents issued by governments as advice, or by private sector organisations as disaster recovery plans. In true Hollywood style, projected pandemics are often almost too big to be believable. That makes them great subjects of conversation at the coffee […]

7 Habits of Highly Effective Business Continuity

1. The Senior Executive actively supports Business Continuity The CEODirectorGeneral Manager that believes in and wants a functional Business Continuity program in place is a critical success factor. To have a senior Executive that is responsible for setting the priorities and vision for the organisation to stand behind BCP and communicate this to the staff is a powerful change […]