The Agile Approach to Implementing Business Continuity
The Agile approach is currently in vogue in a number of business areas, one of the better-known examples being software development. The same principles that can help keep software applications aligned with business needs and available on a timely basis can also be applied to business continuity. The name “Agile” refers to the notion that […]
HaaS and the Business Continuity Challenge
When a global IT distributor like Ingram Micro gets on board the HaaS (Hardware as a Service) bandwagon, you know it’s really on the move. The concept behind Hardware as a Service is that organisations no longer have to own, support or in general worry about the IT hardware that is present on site. Instead, […]
What Business Continuity Management and Zero-based Budgeting have in Common
Every so often (business continuity plan updates, for example), figuratively speaking it’s time to get the crystal ball out and see what the future holds. This is an ambitious undertaking given how difficult it is to know what the weather will be like next week, let alone business in six months’ time. Modern science has […]
Have You Got Your Global Risk Analysis Kit?
Want to know what’s on the radar screen for economic and technological risks? Or is your interest more in societal and environmental threats? The Global Risks 2012 report from the World Economic Forum has something for everything. It breaks risks out into five global categories – the four we’ve just mentioned, plus a fifth, geopolitical […]
Business Continuity Plans for Mergers and Acquisitions
Business continuity plans are not only to be used when uncontrollable or unpredictable events beset an enterprise. They also have a role to play in events that, so to speak, firms bring upon themselves. Mergers and acquisitions are good examples. Such events are deliberately induced, unlike fires, floods or IT systems breakdowns. However, that still […]
Physicians, Heal Thy Business Continuity Thyself
Like the cobbler’s children who are the least well shod, it seems that organisations whose whole business is in emergencies are not necessarily well-prepared for business continuity. In particular, hospitals have come under scrutiny in recent years because of an apparent lack of integration of risk management practices. Approaches have sometimes stopped short of the […]