Business Continuity Test Scenarios – the Game!
There’s nothing like making something fun to get people involved and interested, and the same applies to business continuity test scenarios. What makes them fun depends. For some, it’s the intellectual challenge of figuring out the right way to test scenarios to cover the right proportion of all the possible outcomes. For others, it’s a […]
Would Business Continuity Awareness Week Benefit from Remarketing?
So Business Continuity Awareness Week 2012 came and went (in March, in fact). Sponsored by the BCI (Business Continuity Institute), this annual event brings together BC professionals and other interested parties for a week of events and presentations. However, the risk of emphasising a special week once a year is that people then think the […]
Business Continuity Awareness Week Events
OpsCentre have updated our Events page with details and links for some of the Australian activities for Business Continuity Awareness Week (this week). Plus we’ve also put up the topics for our June and August Round Table Discussions in Sydney. Happy BCAW!