Why Prospect Theory has a Role in Your Business Case for Business Continuity
Cloud computing and risk mitigation, OK – but when pundits start linking business continuity plans and “prospect theory”, discussions can run deep indeed. What do the two have in common? To answer a question like that, you first have to know what prospect theory is about. In a simple form, it describes how people make […]
How to Sell the Business Case for Business Continuity
Some of the most effective selling in any context is done by systematically applying certain rules. Selling the business case of business continuity is no exception. Finding out what internal decision-makers want and presenting the case for BC so that it demonstrates value in their eyes, while motivating them to accept sooner rather than later, […]
How Hacktivism Fuels the Business Case for Business Continuity
Statistics from the 2012 Data Breach Investigations Report from network provider Verizon indicate that the biggest thieves of data are now the hacktivists – activists with the ability to hack into organisational data systems. Hacktivism puts a new spin on the business case for business continuity because they are no longer hacking just to show […]
Does a Business Case for Business Continuity Change after Disaster?
It’s been a year since the natural earthquake and tsunami disasters struck Japan, wrecking many high-tech factories on the country’s north-eastern coast. The Sony Sendai Technology Centre was one of those factories and suffered like the others. Managers and employees struggled to save what they could to restart operations as rapidly as possible. Sony top […]
Getting BC In Through The Virtualisation Back Door
Sometimes you have to be pragmatic. While it would be great to have the business case for business continuity generally agreed in an organisation, it’s not always that simple. So if there’s an opportunity for business continuity to get into a business on the coattails of some other project, it may merit consideration.
Moving towards a business case for business continuity
Making the business case for business continuity is an area that companies struggle with. Whereas fires and explosions can have people’s imaginations working feverishly, when a little time goes by and they don’t happen, they get relegated to a “to do” list that might get done by the IT department, but not by others.