Data Lake Hacking is the New Dumpster Diving
When computers ran on punched cards and information was stored and communicated using paper, suspicious individuals could sometimes be seen loitering close to the large rubbish bins or dumpsters used for corporate refuse.
Is Seven the Magic Number for IT Security?
The number seven crops up in many contexts: the Seven Wonders of the World, the seven dwarfs, and now the seven levels of cyber security. Let’s start with the different levels of threats posed by hackers. In order of increasing severity, we have: script kiddies (hacking for fun); the hacking group (often the first level […]
Infinitely Versatile? The Bid for QR Codes to Now Become Your Authentication
User IDs and passwords are part of everyday business life and business continuity for many people. You need them to log on to get your email and use other company systems. Often, the easier they are to remember, the easier they are to hack. And cryptic codes often get written down on scraps of paper […]