Why the Internet is an Elephant

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Proverbially at least, elephants never forget. Neither does the Internet. Once information is out there, you must assume it will always be out there, and that deleting it at its source may make no difference.

Towards Set-It-And-Forget-It Business Continuity

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Few activities and operations are truly set it and forget it. Lights-out factories like the showcase installation run by technology company Siemens are proof of concept, but still the exception.

Why Stop at Just Disaster Recovery with Your DRP?

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Do more with less. Who hasn’t already heard that in business? And just because something – like disaster recovery planning and management – is vital to ensuring enterprise survival does not mean that you cannot leverage your investment to get more out of it.

How’s Your User Experience for Your Disaster Recovery?

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It may sound strange to talk about “touchy-feely” stuff like user experience in the context of IT disaster recovery. After all, the priority is on getting systems up and running again within recovery time and recovery point objectives, rather than sitting around in focus groups discussing feelings and opinions.

Steering a New ITSM Course with Container Management

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IT service management changed a few years ago with the introduction of containers. They helped usher in the concept that a data centre was no longer a place with computers, but that the data centre itself was the computer.