IT Security and the Unikernel – the Answer to Hackers and Attackers?

First, there was the virtual machine. Then came the container. Now, welcome to the unikernel, the latest initiative for atomising computing.
The End of the Password (Again)?

Will it ever go away? The basic password is still alive and well.
Why You Can’t Trust Anyone These Days

It’s not paranoia, they really are out to get you. When the very organisations promoting IT security manage to botch it up, it’s difficult to have confidence in anything anymore.
Bad Habits Are the Worst IT Security Risk

People – “Can’t live with them, can’t live without them” might be the motto for many enterprises and their chief information security officers (CISOs).
A Zero Trust State of Mind in IT Security

Hollywood (once again) got there first. Remember those films in which shadowy figures hiss “Trust no-one!” before vanishing from the scene?
When Bolted-On IT Security is the Only Option

If you’ve worked in IT development for hardware or software, or had dealings with that world, you may well have seen the statistics about the costs of fixing bugs.