Data Encryption and Reputation Management

What do encryption and reputation have to do with each other? On the face of it, the link seems tenuous. However, if a data breach occurs, encryption could be the difference between intense corporate embarrassment and a corporate reputation that remains untarnished. Of course, we’re talking about than standard encryption of data in transit with […]

Cryptographic Protection that Does Not Hide Your Information

Does this sound like a contradiction in terms? If your idea of cryptography is all about keeping confidential information hidden from prying eyes, then the idea of applying it to information that is then consumable by others may seem strange, to say the least. However, this is a major function of cryptography too. It makes […]

Password Salting may be Effective, but is it Healthy?

Much of IT security revolves around the question of how much you believe users can think for themselves. Password salting is a solution likely to appeal to those who think users are unreliable, careless or otherwise unable to behave correctly when it comes to the proper use of passwords. Yet the brain is a muscle […]

How to Make It Through a Failed Security Audit

Embarrassing – or inevitable? How you view a failed security audit, whether in IT or at an overall organisational level, depends on whether you think security is a result or a process. There is a fundamental difference between the two points of view. In addition, current trends suggest that security is becoming less of an […]

Four Fatal Flaws in IT Security Flagged at Black Hat Europe 2015

IT security flaws are now myriad, but these four stuck out like sore thumbs at the recent Black Hat Europe 2015 conference on security. Their distinguishing feature for the most part was the massive scale on which hacking could be perpetrated, either because of the number or the size of the systems affected.

Is Your Toaster Spying on You? Security Concerns in the Internet of Things

When so many products can now be equipped with a tiny microprocessor and Wi-Fi connectivity, the possibility to pervert their use over the Internet of Things is a threat that nobody can ignore. Initially, IoT was to be a next generation, connected world in which devices talked to each other for automatic management, repair and […]