Our 2015 Business Continuity Review – Cloudy with Scattered Security Breaches

Information security, both in-cloud and on-premise, was somewhat higher profile during 2015. The top three threats for the year for cloud environments were (in decreasing order of importance) app attacks, suspicious activity, and brute force.
The Rise of Rule-Based Security in Cloud Computing
Corporate policies on anything from safety to ethical sourcing are all about rules. Do this; don’t do that! Often created from the experience of everything that went wrong in the past, policies can soon turn into large, unwieldy documents. IT security also has its rules, some of them born of common sense, others of past […]
The Cloud Experience
For many years we’ve been hyped with the cloud generation of computing with the likes of giants such as Amazon, Microsoft, VMware and Oracle to name a few in the ring. But moving entirely to the cloud has some considerations to take into account and a Cloud Risk Assessment is to be conducted to analyse […]