Small business crisis plans few and far between
New Zealand small and medium-sized firms are highly unprepared for a future crisis similar to the Christchurch earthquakes, a study has found. Massey University’s annual BusinesSMEasure canvassed 1000 companies across the country. It found only a small proportion of the firms surveyed had a formal continuity plan in place and fewer than 10 per cent […]
Japan Earthquake – Before and After
Some amazing photo’s of the Japan Earthquake have just released by ABC. Slide your mouse left and right over the images to reveal the before and after scenes. Click here
Business Interruption – Water pipe burst evacuates 3500 from Sydney’s AMP Tower
A real life example of a business interruption incident today. A burst water pipe in the AMP Building in Sydney caused 3500 staff to be evacuated. For the businesses without water damage, hopefully access can be restored and everyone is back to work on Monday morning. If any businesses sustained significant damage to their floor, […]