Factoring in Human Error in Your Business Continuity Planning
Good business continuity training helps managers and enterprises prepare business continuity plans. However, they’ll also need to deal with a further factor – human error. This element is a cause of anything from small business failure to nuclear power plant meltdowns. A little information on the subject can help make business continuity that much more […]
Cyber Business Continuity Needs Broad and Deep Together
In mid-July 2013, several of New York’s Wall Street firms participated in an exercise to test their resilience in the face of cyber-attacks. The initiative was coordinated by SIFMA, the Securities and Financial Markets Association, and included commercial financial companies, as well as the U.S. Treasury Department. Financial institutions in the US have been subjected […]
Business Continuity Test Scenarios and Predicting What to Test
You can’t test absolutely everything; it’s fact that rapidly becomes obvious when you start to put together business continuity test scenarios. Common sense dictates that as a priority you should test the scenarios that have higher risk and that do more damage, all part of the risk and business impact analysis that goes into BC […]
Fail Early – a Mantra for Business Continuity Test Scenarios
In what used to be a business climate orientated firmly towards success, the notion of constructive failure has changed attitudes, hopefully opening up new possibilities for progress by liberating organisations from the notion that all failure was bad. There’s a message for business continuity test scenarios as well – it’s the “fail early, fail cheaply” […]
Business Continuity Test Scenarios – the Game!
There’s nothing like making something fun to get people involved and interested, and the same applies to business continuity test scenarios. What makes them fun depends. For some, it’s the intellectual challenge of figuring out the right way to test scenarios to cover the right proportion of all the possible outcomes. For others, it’s a […]
The telecommunications industry and business continuity
The National Emergency Communications Plan drawn up by the US Government in 2008 makes interesting reading. In its introductory section, it states that “during the last three decades, the nation has witnessed how inadequate emergency communications capabilities can adversely affect response and recovery efforts”.