Archived Backups and Backups of Archives – What Do You Need?
If you’ve archived backups of data for contractual or regulatory reasons, do you also need to back that data up?
The Business Continuity Fight of the Week: Real Clouds vs. Virtual Clouds?
What would you expect residents of Sydney to be doing Sunday afternoon and evening, 5 June 2016?
The Rise and Rise of the Recovery Consistency Objective
Timing, as comedians say, is everything. It’s true if you’re on stage entertaining an audience.
Disaster Recovery, Horses for Courses and Other Metaphors
Just think how exciting the world of disaster recovery has become. What used to be exclusively tape storage has branched out into all kinds of disk storage, virtual snapshots, deduplication and cloud object storage. That’s great for DR managers, right? Not so fast. One of the central elements of disaster recovery is risk mitigation, which […]
A Quick Guide to IT Disaster Recovery Technology
Money alone can’t buy happiness, and technology by itself can’t buy disaster recovery – but they can both help significantly! IT disaster recovery management needs thought, planning and training of personnel; being aware of what technology has to offer is an important part of this. Check our handy list below to see if you’re making […]
Disaster Recovery Repackaged for SMEs
Small businesses typically don’t have much in the way of an IT department. Often as not, IT is somebody’s part-time responsibility while holding down the rest of a job. Neither do they necessarily have the funds to splash out on elaborate disaster recovery solutions, or the time to sit down and figure out how to […]