IoT Device Security Doomsday on the Horizon?

Nobody is Safe from Cybercriminals 1

Does it sound strange that many organisations believe they are exposed to major problems with Internet of Things device security, yet few of them have taken any measures to resolve those problems?

Is Your Toaster Spying on You? Security Concerns in the Internet of Things

When so many products can now be equipped with a tiny microprocessor and Wi-Fi connectivity, the possibility to pervert their use over the Internet of Things is a threat that nobody can ignore. Initially, IoT was to be a next generation, connected world in which devices talked to each other for automatic management, repair and […]

The Internet of Things and Big Data – Both Looking for a Killer App

Despite the publicity given to Big Data and (to a lesser extent) the Internet of Things, their practical advantage has yet to be clarified. It’s difficult to think of them in terms of business continuity when they don’t influence the fortunes of an enterprise; unless you count the negative impact of money spent investigating them. […]